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> Fuel Valve, RH, LH and Both
Fuel Valve, RH, LH and Both
Fuel Valve, RH, LH and Both
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The original fuel system for the Piper Super Cub (PA-18) and the PA-12 series Cubs with two wing mounted fuel tanks uses header tanks. The Cub Crafters’ modification kit (P/N 103700-001-K) simplifies the fuel system, reduces weight, and provides a much needed safety improvement. It improves fuel system management by allowing the pilot to select both fuel tanks at once using our fuel valve. This is an option not available on the factory installation. Perhaps most importantly, the Cub Crafters’ Modified Fuel System Kit removes the fire hazard (the header tanks) from the cockpit.
Although there are instructions on how to modify the original fuel valve, this new PMA'd valve eliminates the repetitive AD note that the original one requires. Install our fuel system along with this new LH, RH, BOTH and OFF position and you won't be disappointed.
All PA-18 and PA-12 Series aircraft must have the following equipment or modifications installed to be eligible for the Fuel System Kit Installation kit. PA-18 Series: (2) Wing-mounted fuel tanks (one per wing). See Aircraft Specification No. 1A2, Item 102 and 108 for information regarding installation of right wing tank on Piper PA-18. See also Restricted Aircraft Specification No. AR-7 Item 101 for information regarding installation of right wing tank on Piper PA-18. PA-12 Series: (2) wing mounted fuel tanks (one per wing). See Aircraft Specification No. A-780. It is the installers’ responsibility to ensure that this STC is compatible with other modifications that may have been installed on the aircraft.
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